About 3 weeks ago Jason and I were talking about our calender and decided if we were going to get a vacation in it better be before May. So on April 30th we left on a cruise to Mexico. We disembarked from New Orleans and had two ports of call. The first was in Progresso and the second was Cozumel. We had a great time and can't wait to go again!
Earthly Treasures

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
There Just Weren't Enough Suckers
to throw in the dirt.
Well, we unloaded and treated ourselves to Subway for lunch then hit I-30 to get on home. We made it about 3 miles and the truck died. I pulled it off the road, laid my head on the steering wheel and sighed and said something I don't remember. My children say is was a bad word but I truly don't remember. After investigating under the hood and calling Jason it was determined that I ran out of gas. I know, I know, you are all wondering why I didn't know that. Well, the gauge said half a tank. HALF A TANK!!! Fortunately we had a full gas can in the truck (blessing of being married to a race car driver) and we were on our way after risking our lives while trucker after trucker tried to see how close they could get to us on the highway.
We commenced down the road happily. The kids teased me about saying a bad word and we were having a good time when the truck started bouncing all over the interstate. We were doing 70 and I looked in the rear view mirror to see the trailer fishtailing all over the road. I didn't know what happened. My first thought was someone hit us, then I thought the trailer came unhooked and the chains were pulling it, then I thought "Please let me get this off the road without wrecking". I got off the road, got out of the truck and the left rear tire had blown. My heart was pounding so loud I think the truckers at the dump heard it. I called my sweet husband and told him "I Quit" and I was going to some beach. He was on his way to help me and I got out of the truck again to evaluate the damage. When I did it started thundering and raining. Yep....that's how my day was going. I stood beside the road, looked at the sky and said "BRING IT ON!!!". It was my Forrest Gump moment.
My knight in shining armor arrived, changed the tire and I gave him the keys to the truck and got into his car. We went home, sat on the back porch while the sun came out and birds sang. I thought all was right in the world again....until supper. I had the oven going, two burners on the stove in the full swing of cooking as I had taken all my aggression out on chopping onions and celery and life was good until the power went out. Yep...the power went out. Jason hooked up the camp stove so I could finish supper then I shortly went to bed. The power came back about 5 hours later.
Monday, January 30, 2012
My Thanks and Pledge
See that smile? That is my eldest, my sweet baby girl, my sunshine. She was the first baby I rocked, held, nursed, sang to and loved. She is not so little anymore. In fact, she is 16. It is hard to let go. It is hard to watch her pull out of the drive way in her truck into the great world of hurt and worry. Saturday evening she was driving with a friend to dinner and ran out of gas. Some wonderful people helped her push her truck into the Red Lobster parking lot until Daddy could get there with gas. Sometimes it does take a village and I am so grateful for the people who watched over her when I couldn't. It would have been much easier to drive on by to their destination thinking she could have managed on her own. As a result of this I make this pledge to all parents of teens out there. If I see your sweet baby boy or girl on the side of the road I will help. If I see your daughter walk out into a deserted and dark parking lot I will watch to make sure she makes it to her car safely. If I see your son being bullied I will be the adult to tell the others to go on home. Some of these things you may know about. Other times no one will ever know I was there. I won't do it for a thank you but instead as a hope that if my child is ever in need again you will be there.
Rain, Races and Australia
Good Day Mates! Last week was a full one for the Edwards household.
Zane and I walked each morning, twice in the rain. It was lovely and I am so glad I went each day.
Conner came over to build his pinewood derby car. Jason and Derek enjoyed spending time with him.
We hosted Culture Club and you guessed it...the culture was Australia! We ate wallaby stew and rounded up some kangaroos. Well, not really wallaby stew but the grub was delicious. Each family brings a dish and project to share about each culture. Eating is my favorite part of culture day :).
Aren't these little ones sweet? I remember when my children were small, and cute, and sweet, ahhhhhh.
Look at that sweet face.
There is my honey (standing) checking in pinewood derby cars. Derek is too old for pinewood derby but Jason is helping out with the Cub Scouts.
Look at that turnout! Unfortunately the track didn't make it to the race so the race had to be postponed until tonight. I am sure there will be photos next week.
My weight loss came to a halt. I haven't given up and I followed the plan but didn't lose this week. On the up note I didn't gain either.
Have a great week everyone!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
When Life Gives You Rain
Put on a colorful raincoat, pick up a flowery umbrella and SMILE :).
Since it was raining outside I didn't plan on walking today. Then I read a blog from http://healthystrides.blogspot.com/2012/01/outside-gym.html and decided that rain and 48 degrees were not good excuses for missing my walk with Zane. Check out healthystrides blog. She has lost over 100 pounds and inspires me. She also lives in a colder climate and only misses her walk/runs if it is colder than 25 degrees. That took my excuse away.
I felt a little like a kid splashing in the puddles today. Singing in the Rain kept spinning through my head and we had the walking trail to ourselves. It was nice and quiet with the exception of robins everywhere. SO glad I went. Enjoy your day everyone!
Monday, January 23, 2012
366 Project Week 3
Week three of January was a lot of fun. Most of the week we had very warm temps. I broke out the capri's on Friday when we hit 80 degrees. Jason's birthday was last week and we had fun celebrating with him. Here are a few pics. Oh, and I have lost 8.2 pounds since the first of the year. Woo Hoo!!
We received a Christmas package last week. The kids loved their gift from Aunt Regina. Aren't they cool? The girls wore theirs to church Wednesday night and lots of people commented on them.
Too Fun
This is how our day looks.
My little man doing what warms Mamas heart.
Yes my husband likes strawberry cake for his birthday. Brittany baked and decorated the cake this year.
How many candles???
Pretty lights.
My he has good lungs.
This was Derek's project.
Sprinkles is checking it out. She is one lucky dog to be loved so much.
Monday, January 16, 2012
366 Project Week Two
Once again I failed to take pics each day. The habit is coming slowly but surely. This week was unseasonable warm with one or two cold days. We spent it homeschooling and then on Saturday Jenelle and I had the day to ourselves while Dad and Brittany hit the Racer's Auction and Derek stayed with a friend. We enjoyed our day together and watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D. I have lost 6 lbs the last two weeks following Weight Watchers Online. Last friday was my brother Clinton's birthday on Friday the 13th. We also had the tree removed (finally) that fell last fall and Sunday was spent cleaning up debris of the fallen tree. Here are some of the pics I took this week. Have a great week everyone!!
Dogs in sweaters make me smile.
Doesn't Oscar look regal? He should be on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
Jenelle and Sprinkles.
My boy can work a rake.
Take down that wall!
Sitting around like always ;)
My handsome hubby.
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